Hefty Commercial Shoot!
Thank you to my amazing agents at Big Mouth Talent Agency, I booked my second commercial in June, for Hefty! The commercial shoot was at a park in downtown Chicago, and the call time was 6:15 am- not being a morning person, it was a bit of a struggle for me to get up at 4 am to start getting ready haha! But it was well worth it!! It was such a fun day filled with so many fun people, and I am so very grateful for the opportunity to meet and work with such friendly and talented people! I got to pull out my contortion and tumbling skills at the shoot, which was incredibly fun. My exorcist walk came quite in handy! We finally wrapped shooting around 8:00 pm... 14 hour day shoot! I'll probably be sore for the next few days for walking around on my hands and exorcist walking for about 4 hours straight but it was so much fun, I'd do it again. The commercial can be found here: https://onionnative.kinja.com/party-starter-1828133002